Azure Update Manager series — Deploy Azure Function App using Bicep
So, you’re fingers were probably already tickling to deploy the functions created in the previous part to Azure? I bet it did.
To deploy the functions to Azure, you can use Azure Verified Modules (AVM), just as you did in the first part when you deployed a Maintenance Configuration.
To give a bit of a refresher before you are going to get your hands dirty, the following folder structure should be there if you’ve followed along in this series.
└── 📁infrastructure
└── main.bicep
└── 📁src
└── host.json
└── local.settings.json
└── 📁postEventTrigger
└── function.json
└── run.ps1
└── 📁preEventTrigger
└── function.json
└── run.ps1
└── profile.ps1
└── requirements.psd1
└── 📁utilities
└── Get-MaintenanceConfigurationDate.ps1
└── Set-GuestMaintenanceConfigurationAssignment.ps1
Deploying the functions to an Azure Function App, requires some resources to be available. These resources are:
- User-Assigned Managed Identity (UAMI)
- Azure Storage Account
- Azure Virtual Network (VNET)
- Server Farm
- Log Analytics Workspace
- Application Insights